
Secret Recipe Club: Cake Show Pound Cake

Woop, woop!  It's SRC time again!

It's funny how a month seems so long yet I feel like SRC posts come around so quickly.  But I love it!  And I'm even more eager for this months reveal since I was sadly orphaned last month [i.e., the person assigned to me didn't post...sad day!].  Here's hoping it doesn't happen again.

Fortunately, Eliot's Eats won't have that problem.  Yep, that was my assigned blog for the month and what an interesting one at that!  The blog is run by Debra and her husband, and of course, their cat Eliot, which you can guess who the blog is named after.  From what I read, Debra and her hubby are strong advocates of eating locally grown foods as well as growing their own and much of their blog is about that adventure.  Props to them for taking such an adamant stance, I think we can all learn from them!

Browsing through their long list of recipes was rather fun, Debra and her husband have an array of dishes and themes, including a soup challenge I found rather intriguing!  So if anyone is looking for some fabulous soup ideas, click on over to their blog and there you go!  Some of my favorites include Yukon Gold Baked Potato Soup, Cheesy Chicken Tortilla Soup, and Dilled Potato Soup.

But when it came to picking out a sweet, I knew almost immediately what I needed to make.  Mmhmm, Cake Show Pound Cake [from Debra's very own mother].  C'mon, if something is Cake Show worthy, it has to be outrageous, right?  You got it.  And Pound Cake is one of those desserts I have yet ventured to try, so why not!

And folks, this deserved to win two blue ribbons in that cake show.  Now, I don't have much to compare this particular pound cake to besides Sara Lee Pound Cakes [I know, I must be sheltered], but I do think I can point out quality when I taste it.  This Pound Cake is dense and rich, but in a subtly rich kind of way.  The cake itself carries only a hint of sweetness, with a slightly crunchy topping, and that signature dark rim around the light yellow interior.  Truly a classic.  I recommend serving the cake with a healthy topping of whipped cream and some fresh-cut fruit would be delectable as well.  Nom, nom, nom!

To Debra and the hubs, thanks for this wonderful recipe!  It was a cinch to make and produced such quality loaves, I know this will be in my baking repertoire from here on out.  To Eliots Eats!  .

My Notes:

  • After tasting the pound cake, I kind of wished there was a tad more almond flavor.  So, to resolve this slight issue, I made an Almond Whipped Cream, which turned out too-good-to-be-true and I will be making several times over.  It was that good.
  • Instead of using loaf pans, you can also use an angel food pan, still baking for the 2 hours listed.

From Eliots Eats

1 lb. unsalted butter
3 c. sugar
6 eggs
4 c. flour
3/4 c. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. almond extract

  1. Heat oven to 300F.  Spray two 9x5-inch loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray; set aside.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together in a large bowl until light and fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 
  3. Add flour alternately with milk, vanilla extract and almond extract.  Beat one minute at high speed.  Divide batter evenly into pans.  Bake 2 hours.  Let cakes cool in pans before inverting.
Yield: 2 loaves

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  1. This pound cake looks incredible. I love pound cake and can't wait to try this one.

  2. Thanks, Jess! I knew immediately when I saw the name "Cake Show Pound Cake" that you had been assigned Eliot's Eats! Thanks for the great write up. This is a great cake, worthy of any contest or celebration. And, I totally agree with you about the almond flavor. One cannot have too much almond extract (or even better--Amaretto!). You honor us with this post! Thanks and I look forward to checking out your site too!

  3. This looks amazing! I love pound cake! Can't wait to try this! Thanks!

  4. Love your addition of the Almond Whipped Cream. Pound Cake is a comfort food, reminds me of my Grandma. Great SRC pick.

  5. The Sara Lee ones are the only ones I've ever had too! I'm sure this is MUCH better!

  6. You weren't an orphan this month! I loved looking through your blog... I actually made your Southwestern Goulash as well but I thought the Banana Cake pics turned out better HEHE

  7. Almond flavored whipped cream sounds divine! I love pound cake, with berries coming into season soon I will have to try both the cake and the whipped cream!

  8. I love Eliots eats, you got a great assignment. Nice idea with the almond whipped cream, the cake looks amazing!

  9. I love a good pound cake! This looks amazing. And thanks for introducing me to another great blog. :D

  10. Great idea to make almond whipped cream. Will definitely be tucking that away for future use. Your pound cake looks fantastic!

  11. Beautiful looking pound cake.
    Simple recipe and the texture as the photo shows is great

  12. That looks delicious! I'm always up for a simple pound cake. The almond whipped cream must be phenomenal.

  13. Hey hey! Just wanted to let you know that I am giving you a Liebster Blog Award :)

  14. I can't wait to make this! It looks heavenly!!

  15. Great job to both of you, this looks lovely! I want to make cupcakes out of it :)

  16. Pound Cake = HEAVEN in my book!!

    @ www.made-famous-by.com

  17. That looks purely simple and good. I could eat the whole thing!

  18. Come to think of it, Sara Lee has been my exposure to pound cake too. Think I need to change that and give this recipe a try.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Group 'A' SRC entry: Broiled Sushi.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  19. I've been looking for a good pound cake recipe. I'll be trying this out soon, it looks yummy.

  20. I've been looking for a good pound cake recipe. I'll be trying this out soon, it looks yummy.

  21. This is beautiful! I love pound cake...Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  22. Thanks for linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We love having you and hope you'll be back next week! -The Sisters
