
Sunday Special: Ham and Cheese Breakfast Casserole

.  I think I may still be on cloud nine from my surprise birthday party last weekend.  Yep, definitely am.

And I do believe that the tremendous amount of effort taken to bring everything together deserves at least one more shout out.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, my dearest mother and best, best friends for everything you did last weekend!  It was most definitely a weekend I will always remember

Fortunate for me [and my unexpected guests!] I had already planned breakfast meals for the weekend.  So Sunday morning, as everyone made their way to the kitchen one by one, we were all able to sit down to a rather large breakfast spread of fruit, toast [with peanut butter], ridiculously good coffee cake [post to come] , and of course, this [healthier] Ham and Cheese Breakfast Casserole.

Now, try not to judge this flavorful, hearty, and savory casserole on the pictures I have provided.  We were all anxiously waiting for this dish to pop out of the oven, so once it did, I snapped some fast pictures before letting everyone have at it.  Thus, no pictures of the gooey cheesiness, chunks of turkey ham, and luscious bread. Oh, and loads of soft spinach and roasted red peppers.  Nope.  Just pictures of the top.  Sorry...

I would have tried to take a couple of pictures of the inside of the casserole once everyone was done.  But, I didn't really have that option because the entire pan got devoured.  Yep folks, the entire thing.  None left.  So I guess that speaks for just how good this is.  I quite honestly wasn't expecting such superb quality since this was labeled a 'healthier' recipe.  I mean healthy means no flavor, right dad?  WRONG.  And I think my dad would even agree with me on that one.

Now, I know it's the morning right now, but there's still time to gather the ingredients together and slap this sucker in the oven.  Or you can always save it for next weekend.  But I wouldn't recommend waiting that long  .

My Notes:
  • The only things I changed in this recipe was the bread type and ham.  I used a rustic round loaf of white bread my mom and I grabbed from the Bread Oven while we were out shopping.  Oh, and it was the best bread I've ever had.  So if you're in Omaha, GO THERE.  Or don't, so there's more bread for me.  And then I used Turkey Ham in place of the ham steak.  Maybe those are the same things, but I'm not quite sure...

4 large eggs
4 large egg whites
1 c. nonfat milk
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
1/4 tsp. ground pepper
5 c. chopped wilted spinach
4 c. whole grain bread, crusts removed if desired
1 c. diced ham steak
1/2 c. chopped jarred roasted red peppers
3/4 c. shredded Gruyere or Swiss cheese

  1. To wilt spinach, rinse thoroughly with cold water.  Transfer to large microwave-safe bowl.  Cover with plastic wrap and punch several holes in it.  Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes or until wilted.  Squeeze out extra moisture; set aside.
  2. Heat oven to 375°F.  Coat 11x7-inch baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.  Thoroughly whisk eggs, egg whites and milk in a medium bowl.  Add mustard, rosemary and pepper; whisk to combine.  Toss spinach, bread, ham, and roasted red peppers in a large bowl.  Add egg mixture and toss well to coat.  Transfer to baking dish and push down to compact.  Cover with foil.
  3. Place in refrigerator overnight or bake immediately for 40 to 45 minutes until custard has set.  Remove foil, sprinkle cheese and continue baking 15 to 20 minutes until casserole has puffed and top is golden.
Yield: 6 servings

Nutrition Facts (per serving): Calories 286 ; Fat 10g ; Cholesterol 167mg ; Carbohydrates 23g ; Protein 23g ; Fiber 4g ; Sodium 813mg ; Potassium 509mg

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  1. This seriously sounds so amazing and I want it right now!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower :)


  2. Looks so yummy! I'm always looking for new breakfast recipes, thanks! Would love for you to link up: http://iamaddictedtorecipes.blogspot.com Have a great day! (and Happy Birthday!)

  3. Oh this looks delicious! I love casserole recipes...thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  4. This looks delicious! I'll try it this weekend.

    1. Oh great! I'd love to hear how you like it [or not]!

  5. Awesome! This looks really good. I make ahead breakfasts for the week, so I am always looking for a new breakfast casserole! :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm utterly obsessed with overnight casseroles or anything to make the mornings easier, especially when you have guests. I really hope you try this out!

  6. Looks so good. Must try this recipe. Thanks!

    1. Thanks! Wish I could have gotten better pictures but oh well :) Let me know if you make this!

  7. Yummy! I would love for you to link up at my linky party via: www.ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com.

    Mrs. Delightful

  8. Yumm! I love breakfast strata! Yours looks absolutely scrumptious! Made me hungry for a big slice, even if the pics are of just the top. LOL You can still see how cheesey and gooey it was. {drool} Stopping by from Thriving on Thursday. Thanks for sharing this and happy belated birthday!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the birthday wishes!

      You hit it right on though, it was cheesy, gooey goodness and I will be making this again!

  9. oh i'm literally drooling now and it's over dinner time here!
    what a great way to start one's day!
    thks for sharing :)

    1. Ha, well I think having breakfast for dinner is a must then ;)

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your recipe is being featured on Today's Menu Round Up!
    Thanks for sharing your recipe with us at Cast Party Wednesday!

  11. This breakfast casserole looks amazing! Definitely trying this recipe! Thanks for joining us for "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you'll come back next week! -The Sisters
