
The Tasty Bites Debut

.  Alright.  It's finally time for the big reveal.

The big cheesey reveal.  No pun intended.

Remember how I kind of apologized for my lack of posts?  One of the reasons is simply because I've been busy with a number of things.  And one of those things is what we're going to talk about.  Right.  About.  Now.

Tasty Bites.

If you know me or my family whatsoever, you've most likely heard this phrase buzzing around.  Or if you're friends with my dad on Facebook, you've seen it in your newsfeed just about every other post.  Just kidding, dad.  Kind of.

Well about one year ago, my dad decided to start a little venture that we know today as Tasty Bites.  The concept is quite simple.  Sell as many cheese curds as humanly possible ☺

Cheese curds?!  It seems that the only people who actually know what I'm ever talking about when I mention these little heavenly fried bites of cheese are people from either Minnesota or Wisconsin.  Shocker.

But that's really what they are.  Chewy bites of gloriously fried cheese.  Served with a side of some of the best homemade Ranch your taste buds will ever encounter.  And I know Ranch.  I was a professional Ranch dipper in my younger years, so I know what I'm saying.  Baaa-lieve me!

And Tasty Bites is not only selling one type of cheese curd...but two!  Of course, we'll have the classic cheese curd.  But my dad also picked out [my personal favorite]: the jalapeno cheese curd.  Uh, yum.

I guess it's probably important to fill you in on exactly where Tasty Bites will be selling these aforementioneed cheese curds that I can't rave enough about, huh?  Well, you probably guessed it.  The upcoming College World Series (CWS) ring a bell to anyone?  If you're reading this blog, I sure hope so.

Tasty Bites will be located [for you local Omaha-ers] at the Old Mattress Factory, which is basically right next to the field.  So you really have no excuse to not drop on by and say hi.  At the very least you'll see some friendly faces, as both friends and family have graciously offered to help out with Tasty Bites debut event so it's sure to be great time, to say the very least.

Oh and guess what?!  My dad has kindly offered to let me sell some baked goodies from his trailer as well.  To appeal to the masses, we opted for various types of cookies.  But I guess you'll have to stop by our corner of fun to find out which types we chose.  They're good ones, is all I'll say.

Anywho.  That's the big news!  As you can probably guess, the next week and a half will be a complete whirlwind, in addition to work, puppy-sitting, and a little 5K.  But I can't wait to spend it with my family and friends.

Blessed ☺  .

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  1. So awesome of you guys!! In Virginia, someone asked us if cheese curds were like cottage cheese. Lol, way to go with this! I wish I could have some right now!

    1. Haha that's pretty funny. Did you tell them cheese curds are exactly like cottage cheese and have the same health benefits? ;)

  2. We love our cheese curds here in Canada, but usually eat them in poutine. ;) There's a local cheese maker here in the Cowichan Valley who has recently started offering both cow's milk and goat milk curds. They're wonderful. :) I've never deep fried cheese curds, though, and can only imagine how wonderful, hot and melty they might be. Good luck in your new venture.

    1. Ironic, I've never actually had the cheese curd NOT fried! But yes, they definitely are hot and gooey. I think you would love them :) Thanks so much for the comment, my dad and I appreciate all of the support!

  3. Oh my gosh! I want some!!!! They look wonderful. I wish I lived closer - I would be your best customer!

    1. Ooo thanks! Maybe we can send you some ;)

  4. Oh Jess! It's probably a good thing I don't live over there. I'd be eating those cheese curds like nobody's business. And no, I hadn't heard of them before but they look so delicious. Thanks for always linking up your beautiful, beautiful creations.


    1. Thanks Anne, I always appreciate all of your sweet and kind comments. We'd definitely be giving you free boats of cheese curds :)

  5. VERY best wishes for great fun and success!

    1. Thank you so very much! We've been having a blast and all we can do is hope for the best!

  6. Wow, These look amazing! I would love to try some. Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Thursday last week. I couldn’t do these parties without you. Can’t wait to see what you link up this week. Have a great week.

  7. Fried cheese curds are AWESOME!!! :)

  8. Your fried cheese curds are heavenly!!!! Just had them at state fair in Sedalia, Mo. Wish I could buy them in bulk would eat them everyday!!!!!
