
National Pi Day!

.  3.14.

March 14.

Get it yet??

If you don't, we may need to have some words.  Or maybe it's just a nerdy baker thing.  Who knows!

But regardless, it's National Pi Day and that means only one thing: Pies.  So in honor of this wondrous holiday [yep, it's official] I've compiled a couple of my favorite pie recipes made by, drum roll please.....me! 

Duh.  You should have seen that coming.

So enjoy scrolling through the next few pics and don't be shy, get to whipping one up!  Trust me, they're easier than they look.  Happy Pi day everyone!  .


  1. Yum, your pies all look so good!

  2. Hehe, glad you celebrate this day. I recognize it, but not with pie like I should...
