

.  So the good news is that I am indeed alive.  And well.



Yes, I am now a Mrs!  As of September 20, 2014, that is.  And I will most definitely give a full synopsis of our wedding day but right now, way too much has gone on and thinking about discussing it all at this moment seems...overwhelming.  So let me collect my thoughts and we'll get back to it.  Plus...I want to wait until we get our official photographs because I know they'll capture the day unlike anything else!  

But for now, because I can't resist, here are a couple of my favs my aunt took from her point of view:

I know this is a short post, particularly since I've been on a such a blogging hiatus.  But rest assured, wedding planning is over and I have regained my life back.  Hallelujah!

And in other exciting news, I have some major things going on with LSM.  So for now, blog posts are at a halt.  But the revamping that's coming is much needed and will be a more fresh approach to my blogging life.  Hopefully you'll agree!

I've missed blogging and can't wait to share what I've been working on.  Love you all!  .

P.S. if you care to, check out our hashtag #Knighted92014 on FacebookInstagram, or my Pinterest Board for more of our wedding photos taken by our guests!

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